
Residential, Commercial and Industrial Painting in the Lower Mainland

It’s amazing what a fresh coat of paint can do to transform the interior of your home or improve the curb appeal of your business. Serving residential, commercial and industrial clients throughout the Lower Mainland, the team at Daryl’s Painting Ltd offers full service interior and exterior solutions backed by over 30 years of experience and a dedication to deliver the very best results.

Painting Services

Interior painting

Exterior painting




Specialty coatings

Texturize ceilings

Textured ceiling repair

Drywall repair

Full painting preparation

Colour consultation

Commercial Repaints

Repainting your retail shop, commercial property or factory is an entirely different undertaking compared to when you had it painted for the first time. For instance, there was no furniture, inventory or equipment around to be damaged. There were no employees, guests or customers on-site to interact with the painters. And lastly, the skill set required to complete the job was not as demanding.

With Daryl’s Painting Ltd you can rest assured we will execute your repaint with care and finesse. We take the time to fully prepare your property for the project and keep the premises clean and tidy during the painting process. Plus, you can rest assured our painters will be kind, courteous and respectful of your employees, guests and clientele at all times.

Commercial Properties Served:


Retail Outlets





Doctor/Dentist Offices

Professional Offices

Residential Repaints

After 30 years painting and repainting residential properties we have come to understand the deciding factor of a great paint job is the prep work that goes into it. Inside or out, we take the time to fully prepare your property for painting to begin. Plus, we only use premium paints and materials to ensure a stunning finish. And as always, you can expect us to be friendly, clean and courteous while working around your home.

Residential Properties Served:



Senior Homes


Town Homes
